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£20.00 Class Pass plus on Demand access
Motiv8.Fitness Live or Virtual Class Pass WEEKLY unlimited classes for £20 and online pre recorded play at any time classes via

• Unlimited Classes and on demand 24/7 access

• On demand Class updated Regularly 

• Access  to Recipe Ideas

• Monthly Timetable Changes

• New Classes Regularly

• Support from Claire & fellow Members online

• Access to closed Facebook Support Group(s)

• Friendly Positive Supportive Environment and so much more…

Motiv8.Fitness Membership Monthly PLUS
Motiv8.Fitness Membership Monthly PLUS unlimited classes and online pre recorded play at any time classes via
  • Challenge – Week 1 and 8 face to face check in , measures and pictures
  • Weekly check in online Monday or Wednesday
  • Personalised Support from Claire & fellow members online
  • Access to closed WhatsApp Group
  • Unlimited Classes and on demand 24/7 access
  • On demand Class updated Regularly
  • Access  to Recipe Ideas
  • Monthly Timetable Changes
  • New Classes Regularly
  • Support from Claire & fellow Members online
  • Access to closed Facebook Support Group(s)
  • Friendly Positive Supportive Environment

and so much more…

Live, Virtual Classes and On Demand Access 24/7
Motiv8.Fitness Membership Monthly unlimited classes (excluding small group training) and online pre recorded play at any time classes via

• Unlimited Classes and on demand 24/7 access

• On demand Class updated Regularly 

• Access  to Recipe Ideas

• Monthly Timetable Changes

• New Classes Regularly

• Support from Claire & fellow Members online

• Access to closed Facebook Support Group(s)

• Friendly Positive Supportive Environment and so much more…

Unlimited access to on demand exercise videos, workout from anywhere at any time!
Motiv8.Fitness unlimited access to on demand exercise videos, workout from anywhere at any time!  
Single Class Payment
Single Class Payment